Policies & Etiquette
Before our date
The best way to inquire with me is via my booking form. I don’t mind a short text or email conversation to sort out schedules or tastefully discuss a particular fantasy, but lengthy exchanges always scream “time waster” to me. Remember that only about 1 in 100 inquiries turn into an actual booking! A good way to stand out from the riffraff is to be respectful and concise.
After you’ve sent in the booking form, I will contact you via the method you’ve provided on the form to accept or deny the booking.
All my bookings require a deposit. Without a deposit, I have no guarantee you will show up; and no compensation for my time spent preparing if you don’t. I have an established business and reputation and have more than proven my legitimacy; the deposit is your way to ensure that trust goes both ways.
The deposit is $100 per hour of the booking for hourly sessions, or 50% for trips or FMTY sessions.
I also want to know who you are! You’re a strange person (usually a man) coming to my house or inviting me to a place I’ve never been to do the most intimate thing two people can do. I have an established business with multiple reviews, a sizeable social media following, presence in the media, a huge collection of photographs taken with established photographers, a p411 number, and a registered sole proprietorship. You’re the unknown in this equation and it is part of screening to make me feel safe so that I can give you the best service. Don’t forget that my life is on the line. Disclosing your identity is non-negotiable.
The deposit is refundable only if I cancel and you are unable to reschedule within 3 months. If you need to move your booking, I require 48h notice so that I can try to fill the time I set aside for you. I may make exceptions at my discretion depending on the circumstances!
Once screening is complete, I’ll send you instructions on how to get to me or ask for details of your outcall (I only go to condos or hotels). I’ll confirm the day before our booking via the contact method you gave me in the booking form.
During our Date
Please don’t be late. I’ll give you 10 minutes in case you get stuck in traffic or something, but after that point I will cancel the session without a refund. My time being disrespected is a huge turn-off and I completely lose my momentum if I’m sitting around waiting for you. Also, if you’re early, please don’t loiter around the entrance to my building! Discretion goes both ways. Shoot me a text from your car or a nearby cafe 5-10 minutes before the session and I’ll let you know when I’m ready. Thanks!
I like to start my sessions with a conversation. We can sit on the couch and flirt and get to know each other or catch up. Please leave the remainder of the donation in an envelope on the coffee table in front of us! Then whoever is visiting can head to the shower to clean up. If you’re at mine, there are instructions on how to bathe (please don’t be offended, you’d be surprised how few people know how to make themselves squeaky clean). Please follow them! My apologies, but I don’t shower together. I spend a lot of time on my hair and makeup and there’s nothing sexy about wearing a bathing cap and trying to keep my face out of the shower.
If you disrespect my boundaries, you will be asked to leave with no refund.
I generally take the lead in sessions, but if there’s something specific you want to try or do, don’t hesitate to speak out! I’m very good at self-advocating so if you think of something last minute and I’m not into it, I’ll just say no and I will not be offended. I do prefer that any special requests or considerations are put into my booking form though, and you have a greater chance of me accommodating services I’ve prepared for mentally than something that’s sprung on me in the heat of the moment.
Don’t worry about the time! I will keep an eye on it. When we are nearing the end of the session, I will ask if you want to take a shower before you leave.
I am happy to receive a short thank you text or email, but please refrain from professing your undying love in a novella. I am not looking for relationships outside of work so I ask that you understand and respect professional boundaries in this regard!
I encourage tasteful reviews. I ask that you refrain from number ratings or explicit details. If you have any issues with the way our session went, I ask that you raise them with me during or after the session before discussing them publicly.
When you want to book again, I do not require a new booking form. You can simply contact me in the same way we had been corresponding leading up to the booking.
Thank you so much! I can’t wait to connect with you.